Information message

The Fourteenth International Forum “Partnership of State, business and civil society in ensuring international information security”

Garmisch-Partenkirchen Forum in Moscow

We inform you that December 7-9, 2020, in Moscow (Russian Federation) there will be held the Fourteenth International Forum “Partnership of State, business and civil society in ensuring international information security” (the Forum preliminary Program is presented below).

The Forum is organized by National Association for international information security (NAIIS). The Forum continues the tradition of annual discussing topical issues related to the formation of the international information security system (IIS), many of which were later included in the agenda of the UN GGE and OEWG. The tradition has been formed over 13 years of holding Forums with participation of leading domestic and foreign experts involved in the formation of public policy in their countries in the field of IIS, at a unique international venue in GarmischPartenkirchen (Germany).

The Forum will be held mainly by video conferencing mode on the ZOOM. The Forum’s base platform with the possibility of speaking will be organized in the Assembly hall of the Russian Foreign Ministry Diplomatic Academy (53/2 Ostozhenka Street).