Program XV international Forum «Partnership of State, business and civil society in ensuring international information security»

Security and international cooperation in the ICT environment

The forum is held by National Association
for International Information Security (NAIIS)
(the Russian Federation)

The Forum purpose – to discuss the priority directions for global, regional, multilateral and bilateral cooperation in the field of the international information security system formation.

September 27, 2021, Monday

09.00-9.30   Registration of participants

9.30-13.00   Plenary session

«States activities to ensure international information security»

The Session purpose – to discuss the updated Concept of UN Convention on International Information Security (posted on the website of the Russian Federation Security Council), the problems of preventing conflicts in the information space, countering the use of information space for terrorist and other criminal purposes, building trust in the ICT environment. It is supposed to hear reports on topical issues of international cooperation in the field of forming the international information security system.

Priority issues:

– existing and potential threats to the international peace and security in the ICT environment;

– maintaining strategic stability taking into account the ICT environment;

– basic principles of ensuring international information security;

– international cooperation in the field of preventing military conflicts in the ICT environment, resolving disputes in the ICT environment, countering the use of the ICT environment for terrorist purposes;

– application the rules of states responsible behavior in the ICT environment;

– confidence-building measures in the ICT environment.

Moderator – Smirnov Anatoly Ivanovich – General Director of NAIIS

1.Khramov Oleg VladimirovichDeputy Secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council, Chairman of the NAIIS Supervisory Board 
2.Chen ZhimingChairman of the All-China Association for the Promotion of Friendship (China)Zoom
3.Yasnosokirsky Yuri AnatolyevichInternational Information Security Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry 
4.Unichenko Sergey PetrovichThe Russian Defense Ministry 
5.Anne-Marie BuzatuVice-President & COO of ICT4Peace Foundation (Switzerland)Zoom
6.Daniel WurmFederal Ministry of Defence, Directorate General Defence Policy, Advisor (Austria) 
7.Karpovich Oleg GennadievichVice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian foreign Ministry 
8.Sandro GayckenSenior Researcher and Founding Director of the Digital Society Institute, ESMT (Germany)Zoom
9.Murashev Nikolay NikolaevichDeputy Director of the National coordination center for computer incidents of the Russian Federal Security Service 
10.Ikhtiyar AslanovHead of the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Russia, Belarus & Moldova 
11.Uvarov Vadim AlexandrovichDirector of the Information Security Department of the Russian Federation BankZoom
12.Bezrukov Andrey OlegovichPresident of the Association of the Security technologies export 

14.00 -18.00 Roundtable № 1

«International cooperation in the field of incident attribution to resolve peacefully the disputes in the ICT environment»

The Roundtable purpose – to discuss the problems of incidents attribution in the ICT environment and priority areas of expert cooperation in the field of improving the information exchange system about incidents.

It is supposed to hear and consider reports on political and legal aspects of the incidents attribution problem in the ICT environment:

– incidents in the ICT environment;

– determination and fixing the zones of states responsible behavior of in the ICT environment;

– security legal regime of the ICT environment objects;

– the States jurisdiction over the ICT infrastructure located on their territory;

– State sovereignty, international norms and principles arising from sovereignty and regulating international relations in the field of ICT use.

Moderator – Murashev Nikolay Nikolaevich – Deputy Director of the National coordination center for computer incidents of the Russian Federal Security Service

1.Sanjay GoelState University of New York State (USA)Zoom«Understanding the US Cyber Deterrence Calculus: Role and Limitations of Attribution and Cyber Offense»
2.Babekin Dmitry VladimirovichDeputy Director of the International Law and Cooperation Department, the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice «International law aspects of incidents attribution in the ICT environment in the context of international dispute resolution»
3.James Andrew LewisSenior Vice President and Director, Strategic Technologies Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, D.C. (USA)
Zoom«Shaping factors in International Cooperation in Attribution»
4.Korelov Sergey ViktorovichThe Council Chairman of Consultation & Coordination Center for computer incidents responding issues «Exchange of information about incidents as an integral element of the dialogue in the ICT environment»
5.Polyakova Tatyana AnatolyevnaHead of the Information Law and International Information Security Sector, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences «The IIS system development and strategic tasks of information security legal assurance at the national and regional levels»
6.Shevchenko Alevtina VladimirovnaDeputy Director of the Law and National Security Institute, RANEPA «Political legitimation of force use acts in the ICT environment»
7.Ashraf PatelResearcher Institute for Global Dialogue (South Africa)Zoom«ICT’s and regional development-case for safe digital finance for Africa development»
8.Pilyugin Pavel LvovichSenior Researcher at the Computational Mathematics & Cybernetics Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityZoom«Attribution of the incident by indirect features»
9.Markov Alexey SergeevichHead of the NGO Group of Companies “Echelon” «Current issues of attribution. A view from Russia»
10.Melnikova Olga AndreevnaHead of division, International Information Security Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry «Cyber-trust in the world and the experience of cooperation in Europe»
11.Khrychev Vadim EvgenievichExpert of International Center of Scientific and Technical Information «Problems of defining a public reasoned attribution base for international information security»
12.Kuznetsov Pyotr UvarovichHead of the Information Law Department, Ural State Law University «Positive obligations as a legal methodological tool to restrict freedom in cyberspace»
13.Chernukhin Ernest VladimirovichHead of division, International Information Security Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry «Digital sovereignty of States in the information space»

September 28, 2021, Tuesday

9.00-13.00   Roundtable № 2

«Ensuring the security of Critical Information Infrastructure facilities»

The Roundtable purpose – to discuss the problems at the system development in ensuring the security of critical information infrastructure facilities and priority areas of expert cooperation in this area.

It is supposed to hear and consider reports on priority directions of states interaction in the field of the critical information infrastructure security:

– international legal fixing the boundaries of State responsibility zones in the ICT environment;

– fixing the boundaries of the national critical information infrastructure objects; 

– data exchange on violations the States responsible behavior rules in the ICT environment, as well as on States allegedly affected by an incident in the ICT environment;

– protection of critical information infrastructure objects;

– assistance to States affected by incidents at critical information infrastructure facilities.

Moderator – Grigoriev Dmitry Igorevich – Director of the Information Security and IT Infrastructure Department of the PJS “MCG “Norilsk Nickel”, the NAIIS member.

1.Sychev Artem MikhailovichFirst Deputy Director of the Information Security Department of the Russian Federation Bank «International integration cooperation between the Bank of Russia and national banks in achieving cyber stability of credit and financial organizations»
2.Yarnykh Andrey YuryevichHead of GR and Strategic Projects, Kaspersky Lab «Protection of Critical infrastructure, on the way to Digital Immunity»
3.Rafal RohozinskiManaging Director, Secdev Group (Canada)Zoom«Digital violent extremism in Central Asia: what next? »
4.Vorobyov Andrey AlexandrovichDirector of the Domain Coordination Center .RU/.РФ «Ecosystem of the Russian national domain zone security»
5.Andreas KuehnSenior Fellow, Observer Research Foundation America (USA)Zoom«The security of critical infrastructure objects by addressing IoT security and the use of security labels»
6.Jacob BerntssonHead of Policy & Research, Tech Against Terrorism (UK)Zoom«Terrorist use of online platforms: trends and threat assessment»
7.Kozik Andrey LeonidovichRegional Coordinator for Legal Affairs at the International Committee of the Red Cross «Legal aspects of the critical infrastructure protection during an armed conflict»
8.Prof. Takahiro Sasaki, Hiro FujimakiFujitsu Research Institute, Tokai University (Japan)Zoom«AI in Cyberspace: Exercise and Challenges» (Zoom)
9.Minin Viktor VladimirovichManagement Board Chairman of the ACISO, the NAIIS member «CII security: people or technologies?»
10.Dr Stanislav Abaimov, Prof. Maurizio MartelliniLandau Network, Fondazione Alessandro Volta (Italy)Zoom«Machine learning for cyber security in Critical Infrastructures»
11.Zharova Anna KonstantinovnaSenior Researcher, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of SciencesZoom«Security of information and communication technologies in order to ensure international information security»
12.Zhu LixinDirector of Institute of Rule of Law in Cybersecurity Academy of Science and Education Development (China)Zoom«Legal Thinking on International Cooperation in Critical Information Infrastructure Protection»
13.John MalleryМассачусетский технологический университет (USA)Zoom«Cyber Norms and Confidence Building Measures for Biosecurity»

14.00-18.00 Roundtable № 3

«International cooperation in the field of combating information crime»

The Roundtable purpose – to discuss the problems of countering information crime and priority areas of expert cooperation to improve the effectiveness of this counteraction.

It is supposed to hear and consider reports on priority directions of cooperation in the field of preventing and eliminating the consequences of crimes in the ICT environment, as well as providing mutual assistance in the investigation of crimes:

– criminalization of delinquencies in the information space and law enforcement activities;

– prevention and counteraction to crimes and other illegal acts in the information space;

– general principles of international cooperation and mutual assistance;

– technical assistance and training of the staff.

Moderator – Miroshnikov Boris Nikolayevich, Vice President, Group of companies “Citadel, Member of the Presidium of NAIIS.

1.Charles BarryInstitute for National Strategic Studies [Center for Technology and National Security Policy Studies] National Defense University (USA)Zoom“Can Nations Tame Cybercrime?”
2.Gudkov Nikolai MikhailovichGeneral Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation – Senior Prosecutor of the Department of the Main Directorate «Criminalization of offences in information space and law enforcement; prevention and counteraction to crimes and other unlawful acts in information space»
3.Alexander SegerHead of Cybercrime Division at the Council of Europe; Executive Secretary at the Cybercrime Convention Committee (France)Zoom«International cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence: the experience of the Council of Europe»
4.Salikhov Temirlan Yusupovich; Khmelevsky Kirill YuryevichThe Main Department of Criminalistics of the Russian Investigative Committee «Investigating Crimes Using Open Internet Sources»
5.Aude GéryParis 8 University (France)Zoom«Cooperation in the field of ICT incidents: the emergence of a new obligation»
6.Morozov Andrey VitalievichСhief of Information Law, Informatics and Mathematics department of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)Zoom«Training of highly qualified legal personnel in the field of countering information crime»
7.Qichao ZhuDeputy Director and Professor of the Institute for Defense Technology and Strategic Studies, National University of Defense Technology (China)Zoom«The impact to cyber security from AI technology evolving»
8.Zinchenko Alexandr ViktorovichCentre for International Information Security, MGIMO «Functionality of the principles of international cooperation in the ICT sphere»
9.Mikhail AnisimovICANN, Global Stakeholder Engagement Sr. Manager, Eastern Europe & Central Asia (USA) «ICANN Research Projects in Internet Addressing System Security»
10.Veligodsky Sergey SergeevichManaging Director, Head of the Anti-Cybercrime Department at the Sberbank PJSC «Countering cyberbullying. Sberbank’s experience»
11.Vurasko Alexander AlekseevichHead of the Digital Threat Analysis Department at the Infosecurity «Cross-border interaction as a key element in the fight against phishing attacks»
12.Yulia Aleksandrovna YudinaCentre for International Information Security, MGIMO «Problems of investigation of international information crime»

September 29, 2021, Wednesday

9.00-13.00   Roundtable № 4

«Cooperation in the field of prevention of military conflicts and peaceful resolution of disputes in the ICT environment»

The Roundtable purpose – to discuss the problems of preserving strategic stability, improving the system of confidence-building measures in the ICT environment and the peaceful resolution of disputes in the ICT environment, as well as priority directions of expert cooperation in this field.

It is supposed to hear and consider reports on priority directions of cooperation in the field of preventing the escalation of military activity because of incidents in the ICT environment:

– malicious and hostile use of ICT against objects of critical information infrastructur;

– maintaining strategic stability taking into account the ICT environment;

– cooperation in the field of prevention and resolution of disputes in the ICT environment;

– exchange of the information about incidents in the ICT environment;

– confidence-building measures in the ICT environment.

Moderator Elias Vladimir Petrovich – The Russian Defense Ministry.

1.Komov Segey AnatolievichThe Russian Defense Ministry «About the need to form a mechanism for peaceful resolution of international disputes arising from the use of information and communication technologies»
2.Streltsov Anatoly AlexandrovichVice-President of NAIIS «Issues of international law application in the ICT environment»
3.Hannes EbertHD-Centre (Switzerland)Zoom«CBMs and the Peaceful Management of Disputes: Prospects and Perils from a Mediation Perspective»
4.Vladimir IvanovThe Stimson Center (USA)Zoom«About the Stimson Center’s Cyber Cooperation Program»
5.Bruce McConnellThe Stimson Center, Distinguished Fellow and Member of the Board of Directors (USA)Zoom«Emerging Issues in National Cyberdefense Strategy»
6.Philippe BaumardParis Polytechnic School (France)Zoom«Assessing Threats to Strategic Stability or Preventing Escalation of Conflict»
7.Romashkina Natalya PetrovnaHead of the Information Security Issues Department at the Center for International Security at Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO) «Influence of ICT on the level of strategic stability»
8.Szilvia TothOSCE, Cyber Security Officer (Austria)Zoom«OSCE’s efforts in developing and implementing cyber/ICT security confidence-building measures»
9.Surma Ivan ViktorovichHead of the Department, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia «NATO 2030: new cyber policy of North Atlantic Treaty»
10.Caitriona HeinlExecutive Director of the Azure Forum (College) for Contemporary Security Strategy (CLG) (Ireland)Zoom«Lessons from regional cyber CBM initiatives to support inter-regional and international stability»
11.Minbaleev Aleksey VladimirovichHead of the Department of Information Law and Digital Technology, Kutafin Moscow State Law University «Problems of adoption and implementation of legal means of trust in the ICT environment»
12.Valeria BulvaAssistant Director, Centre for International Information Security, MGIMO «Challenges and Threats to Strategic Stability in the ICT Dimension»
13.Lu ChuanyingSenior Fellow, Director of Research Center for Global Cyberspace and Governance (China)Zoom«Insecurity dilemma and national security in the digital age»
14.Konokhov Maksim VasilievichResearcher in the Information Law and International Information Security Sector, Institute of State and Law of The Russian Academy of Sciences «International legal regulation of the conduct of States in information space during armed conflict»
15.Konyavsky Valery ArkadievichScientific Supervisor of the OKB SAPRZoom«Digital biometrics for trusted identification in digital environment»
16.Duben Andrey KirillovichJunior Researcher at Institute of State and Law of The Russian Academy of SciencesZoom«Information Security and information protection in modern society»

14.00-18.00 Roundtable № 5

«Cooperation in the field of countering intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states using mass communication media»

The Roundtable purpose – to discuss the problems of setting standards for preventing the use of ICT for intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states, as well as priority directions of expert cooperation on countering such intervention.

It is supposed to hear and consider reports on priority directions of interaction between states in order to prevent intervention in the preparation and realization of political events in sovereign states:

– prohibition of state intervention in matters falling within the internal competence of other states;

– forms and methods of countering the use of ICT for intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states;

– regulation of the international relations in the field of countering the use of ICT for intervention in the internal affairs of states.

Moderators – Smirnov Anatoly Ivanovich – Director General of NAIIS, MGIMO Centre for International Information Security; – Kurakin Mikhail Borisovich – Deputy Editor-in-Chief of «International Affairs» magazine of the Russian Foreign Ministry

1.Smirnov Anatoly IvanovichDirector General of NAIIS, MGIMO Centre for International Information Security «Western Strategic Communications as a Tool for Mental Warfare»
2.Alborova Marianna BorisovnaCentre for International Information Security, MGIMO «Information security in social communities on the Internet»
3.Kurbatsky Alexander NikolayevichChairman of the Expert Council of the High Technology Park, Belarusian State University, Professor (Republic of Belarus)Zoom«About preserving sovereignty in young small countries in an era of digitalization and uncontrolled ICT development»
4.Zinovieva Elena SergeevnaDeputy Director of the Centre for International Information Security, MGIMO «Current Approaches to Digital Sovereignty: International and Political Dimension»
5.Frolov Dmitry BorisovichDirector of the Information Security Department, RTRS, TV and Radio Network of Russia «Current issues of CII objects protection in the field of television and radio broadcasting»
6.Dr (Adv) Nazreen Shaik-PeremanovSupervisor Doctoral Programme University of South Africa: Department of Public, Constitutional and International Law (South Africa )Zoom  «Human Rights in the Cyberspace»
7.Dr. Zenebe Kinfu TafessePresident of the Union of African Diasporas, General Director of International ethnos diplomacy ltd (Ethiopia) «The Influence of social medial has and still continues to affect regional & global security (African region)»
8.Romanovsky Vitaly AnatolyevichAnalyst, Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (Republic of Belarus) «Countering the spread of fake news as an element of prevention of unlawful acts in the information space (on the example of the Republic of Belarus)»
9.Tolmachev Petr IvanovichDiplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia «Foreign economic factors of Russia’s national economic security in the context of global expansion of mass communication technologies»
10.Tarasova Inna YuryevnaFederation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Assistant to a Senator of the Russian Federation «Ways and forms of intervention in the electoral process through ICT technologies»
11.Unichenko Sergey Petrovich  The Russian Defense Ministry «About armed interference in the internal affairs of other States using information and communication technologies»
12.Aitov Timur NaufalievichCouncil of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Financial, Industrial and Investment Policy «Difficulties of transition. On the problems of import substitution in IT»
13.Biryukov Aleksey ViktorovichCentre for International Information Security, MGIMOZoom«About humanitarian aspects of international information security»
14.Loginov Boris BorisovichDeputy Head of the Department of World Economy at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia «Manipulation of economic information by Western governments and corporations as a competitive tool»
15.Yajie BaoMGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry (China) «Digital Sovereignty and Mass Communication Media – A View from China»